Alloka knowledge base


Track messages to your public email address
If you have an email address published at your web site, you can track messages sent to it by your customers. Usually these addresses look like info@, sales@ etc. An e-mail to such an address is an off-line conversion which is usually impossible to track (by Google Analytics, for example). But you can do it with the email-tracking feature.

As well as it works with call tracking - the same is with emails. The system will keep the session data, including the add source, utm-marks, the site page and so on.

You will be able to search through those messages, leads will be saved in your CRM. Conversion will be saved in the lead fead of Alloka and also sent to Google.Analytics, if you made all the setting.

The setting is to be made at "Email-tracking" page of your account

1. Email-address for email-forwardig. Your address to receive all the emails.

2. HTML class. Add html class you use for pointing email address at your site.

3. Identifier. It is the constant part of tracking email address. System will change the address for every visitor but it will have a constant part like «». It can be "info", "sales" or your brand name.

Default domain (provided if own domain isn't set up)

If you don't want to set up your own domain, we will provide you email-tracking with default domain. At the moment this domain is

Private domain

You can set up your mail to track messages using your private domain «». For example «».

How to set up private domain

1. Create one extra mail address in your mail system

2. Make it the default one, the address that receives all the messages sent to email addresses which don't exist at your domain

3. Copy/paste special address which is generated in Email-tracking settings page (and looks like

4. Forward all the emails from the mailbox you created in paragraph 1 to that address

5. Сonfirm the forwarding if needed

How to set up Google Apps
1) Create a new user
How to add new users
2) Make the new address default
Email routing and delivery
3) Make forwarding
Automatically forward Gmail messages to another account
Forward all the messages to email address provided by Email-tracking

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