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Answers and manuals for Call Tracking installation and features
We're often being asked: What is the "call status", What is Feedback Form or How does Alloka and Google Analytics integration works?

What is Call Tracking?

Call Tracking is the tool that adds marketing data to your phone leads. Using it in your marketing helps to invest only in high performance ad channels, which bring you calls.
How Call Tracking works?
You add call tracking script to your website, and it does all the job. This script dynamically replaces the contact phone number at your website with tracking ones. Tracking number is redirected to your primary business number. Every visitor sees a unique number for his web session (dynamic call tracking) and this allows Call Tracking system understand which user took the phone out of the pocket to make a call.
Types of Call Tracking
There is two types of Call Tracking: Dynamic and Static. The main difference is in the way of attaching virtual tracking numbers. In Static Call Tracking numbers are attached to a fixed ad source. In Dynamic Call Tracking virtual tracking numbers are attached to a web session of a website visitor.

Dynamic Call Tracking:
1. Detects the ad source of a call up to keyword
2. Detects UTM-parameters led to a call
3. Detects City and additional geo-parameters, sometimes up to street
4. Detects a page of a call
5. Detects how much time a caller spent visiting a website

Static Call Tracking:
1. Number is attached to a specific ad source
2. Can be used for Google My Business company profile, contact number in Instagram or Facebook
3. Can be used for Classifieds or offline ads like billboards or stickers
Call Tracking Installation
How to embed script into your website
How to embed
Description and details
How to create, manage and delete
How to prevent virtual numbers attachment for employees
How to set up Zadarma Numbers for Alloka Call Tracking
Track inbound email-messages
For those who has several websites and wants save some money
How it works
How to adapt the code for GTM
SMS-tracking and SMS-forwarding
As an addition to dynamic call tracking
How to connect Call Tracking with 3d party services
Как смотреть статистику по звонкам в личном кабинете Яндекс.Метрики
Настройка связки Аллока Аналитика и Google Analytics
Анализ данных онлайн-консультанта
Входящие обращения под контролем
Соединяем Bitrix24, Google Analytics и Аллоку
Подключаем оптимизатор контекста
При интеграции Аллоки и Google Analytics можно передавать Гуглу не только информацию о звонке, но и пометки, которые вы сделали: статус звонка, тег, комментарий
Как настроить сбор аудитории
Как настроить
Как подключить
Как подключить сервисы, которые не интегрированы напрямую с Аллокой
Lead Management
More about a phone call inside the Call Tracking Feed
Зачем нужны, какие бывают и как настроить
Как узнать, откуда звонит посетитель: город, улицу и даже дом
Фидбек окно или как общаться с посетителем после звонка
Уведомление о возвращении клиента на сайт
Функция виджета обратной связи
Подсказка перед соединением
Лайк/дизлайк - собираем обратную связь о разговоре
Контролируем качество обслуживания клиентов
To know what's going on
Настройка уведомлений на электронную почту
Трекинг и пересылка
Call Center Features
How to manage inbound phone calls
Переадресация звонков на сип-адрес
Система отчистки номеров от Alloka
Для чего, в чем разница и как пользоваться
Alloka Extra Options
Make it convenient for everyone to work with Call tracking
Terms of use, Policies etc.
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